Saturday 25 May 2013


Adakah blog ini tempat untuk aku melepaskan rindu? meluahkan isi hati? hurm... ya, coz takde orang nak baca blog aku, jadi aku boleh cakap apa sahaja yang aku suka? eh? ya, sebab aku xbebas luah kat fb sebab ada si dia.. ek? ya lagi sebab aku memang forever alone..... uhuuu

Done with first final exam paper- Advanced Calculus. Its not tough. but i'm not prepared enough. I have short term memory......... why? because i only read it when exam is coming. LOL

Ahah! Eaw & Ungs will be in 2 days later. HAHA. Satu berita gembira... Aku kempunan sangat nak makan kek. rasanya dah 2-3 hari tak makan. huhuhu & then hari ni ada jual kek kat Azam Kiosk! :P haha so happy u....  xde gambar pulak nak tunjuk... yang biasa aku beli.. ANis homemade bakery kot nama dia.. HEHE because krim dia tebal :) baru ingat nak tempah kek kat FARAhomemade bakery.. Freshcream+choc cake :) wow =blackforest cakes. haha

Suddenly, i just miss someone....... i dont know actually who is the one i missed? huh there are 3 person in my head. :P lol. <---- am i playgirl? LOL..... 1st is my ex (highschool). 2nd is my not really ex. (one-sided love) & last one is my hubby-will be. LOL in my dream only.

what the hell is this? i should not think about them.... they are just in my past. i don't have anybody in the present :) yeeha. i just feel good, & know what, i can live better without THEM. just wait for my FUTURE HUSBAND. zzz...

I want a husband that is caring, romantic, taqwa, love me, & i love him too. hurm, tp xde list lagi. uhuuk...


i just want a happy family.... enough

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